ADHD Assessment
Living with undiagnosed adult ADHD can feel overwhelming. Starting the diagnosis journey is the first step in becoming healthier and happier in your own skin. At PPS, our clinicians are experts in the differential diagnosis and treatment of ADHD. In collaborating with individuals to clarify the nature of their difficulties, we work to construct and implement only the most effective interventions.
Individuals with an ADHD diagnosis from a primary care physician should consult a psychologist to avoid inaccurate diagnosis that could lead to inaccurate treatment. Primary care physicians and clinicians might lack expertise for thorough assessments, so it's crucial for mental health consumers to choose well-equipped providers for ADHD concerns.
What is ADHD?
ADHD is a complex neurodevelopmental disorder that begins in childhood and can last into adulthood. Many adults with ADHD have always struggled with living up to their potential and feel frustrated with themselves and the world around them. Some signs of adult ADHD include:
Difficulty sustaining concentration
Trouble with organization
Challenges with finishing tasks/work on time
Time blindness
Low frustration tolerance
Low motivation
Problems with task switching
How Does Psychological Testing Work?
Depending on the presenting concerns, psychological or neuropsychological testing evaluates areas of functioning, such as memory, language, attention, socioemotional function, mood, and personality.
You and your psychologist will meet for a detailed virtual clinical interview. We will work to understand not just your symptoms, but your developmental, educational, social, and emotional history, as well as your treatment goals.
We will guide you through a series of tests, symptom measures, and activities that will shed light on the diagnosis that best fits your symptoms. These may include such tasks as questions, puzzles, or memory activities.
Your psychologist will provide a comprehensive report that explains the findings. You will review it together, and we will offer referrals and treatment recommendations to help you decide on the next steps that are best for you.
ADHD Treatment
At PPS we believe in the importance of treating both the mind and body for overall health, especially for those with mental health disorders like ADHD. Our medical team can help find the best medication protocol to manage your ADHD symptoms for the highest level of function and productivity. Our clinic offers a multidisciplinary approach to managing ADHD and other disorders, helping find the best treatment plan for everyone.
If you think you might be living with undiagnosed ADHD or have been receiving inaccurate treatment from a physician, make an appointment with the experts at PPS today and schedule an initial interview to move you toward a more comprehensive understanding about your mental health.